Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mindful eating

Things are going well. I've realized what it comes down to is mindful eating. You have to think ahead for meals because if you get too hungry you can set yourself up to make bad choices. Have some snacks ready that are good for you. Don't beat yourself up for indulging once in a while. Just take it into account, adjust and move on. I have been walking more for exercise. I do feel I need to add more strength training to the mix soon. Maybe some yoga too.
I got back on the scale today and was amazed to see I am now 118.2lbs. Seriously I am not even trying that hard. Just added basic exercise (mainly power walking) and eating real foods as much as possible. I do think not weighing yourself to often is a good idea. Because even if you lose 1 lb a week, which is ideal, it doesn't feel like enough to keep some people on track. If you wait and do it once a month those lbs add up and you see it more. According to  medical body mass index charts my weight should be between 18.5 to 24.9 lbs. I'm pretty sure this means I should level out anytime now. However if I start doing some weight training my weight will go up because muscle weighs more than fat. (well not exactly but you know what I mean)
I just recently got a new application for my phone called My Fit Pal. It calculates everything you eat and the exercise you do. It and takes your height and weight goals into account it does a countdown and helps you keep track of your daily calorie intake. This helps because if you don't eat enough when trying to lose weight you can put your body into starvation mode and NOT lose weight. This is where many dieters go off track. However, it only keeps track of the calories as numbers, it doesn't tell you what food is better nor rate the quality of the calories you are taking in. This is a VERY important distinction! I should be getting 1200 calories a day, but if they are from crappy processed foods than I may lose weight but my body isn't going to be as healthy as if I ate foods that are good for me. Remember, this isn't about weight per say, it is about health. (tho we women have a hard time separating the two methinks) When in doubt always chose the real food with more calories over processed crap that might have fewer. It just means you need to read the labels closely. If you can't pronounce it that might be a red flag. Food = Fuel. Our bodies are really amazing at how much punishment they can take before they start breaking down. But make no mistake, put crappy fuel in long enough and it will break down.
Now the bad news. It seems the Naked juice company isn't all it appears to be: http://livingmaxwell.com/naked-juice-lawsuit  I really hate it when that happens. Thankfully I heard the rumor and checked into it. Being a fan of truth in advertising I think I will remove the links to products on this blog so this doesn't happen again. I may mention food brand/juices I like but it is buyer beware. Sadly companies change hands and their products may not stay the same over time. Another good argument for making your own food at home I guess!
And yes that is a Christmas plate in the photo of my breakfast. I got it in England as a Boxing Day gift.

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