First I have to make a correction. The application is called "My Fitness Pal" and not My Fit Pal. Also you can use the website at: With the phone ap you can scan bar codes of the foods you eat which means it can also keeps track of other information like fat content, protein and trans fats. Pretty handy!
These are two Quiche I made recently with asparagus and left over pork shoulder bits. Clearly I am a fan of asparagus! One went to my co-workers and the other became my breakfast for about a week.
I am noticing a disturbing trend in "diets". People seem to be focusing on just losing weight quickly to look good, not changing their overall health. That would be fine if it wasn't sometimes dangerous. Seriously, what good is it to be thin and have a certain "look" if a week later you suffer some health problem or worse die. I was looking into one of the diets someone mentioned to a friend and it turns out the high protein, low carb diet can cause kidney stones or even kidney failure. Yikes!! Does the diet work? Yes, you will lose weight quickly. The body goes into Ketosis where it burns it's own fat. Unfortunately that has serious side effects if done long term. But hey, you will look good before you die. This is just one reason you should be very wary of fad "diets". Sure many of them might work in the short term but are they sustainable? Can you really eat that way for the rest of your life or is it to restrictive? And are they healthy for you? Yes simple carbs are not healthy, but complex carbs are good for heart health and for their fiber content.
One diet says you should eat like the caveman did. Well this is slightly flawed in my view. For one reason cavemen lived in many different areas so their diets would have varied. Quite a lot actually. Another is, if there were cavemen doesn't that mean we evolved? If we evolved wouldn't that mean our bodies adapted to the foods in that area as well? Seems suspect to me. We are not cavemen.
Look it's really not rocket science. If you eat fewer calories and move more you will lose weight. You can even not move more if you eat less. However you need to eat enough or you will put your body into starvation mode and it won't burn off calories at all. (If you watch "The Biggest Loser" you'll see that sometimes those contestants run into that problem.) Keeping track of calories works but remember what I said, it isn't just about the calories but where the calories come from. Eat real foods and your body will be able to process that food more efficiently without side effects. There really is no (safe) quick fix. Unless you are just naturally thin or muscular, you have to work at weight loss. Keep in mind tho, that just because a person is thin it doesn't automatically mean they are healthy. If they eat badly their body will also suffer from it. You just might not be able to see the damage.
It took me a long time to be concerned about my health enough to change my eating habits. Everyone will come to it in their own time. I just want people to be aware that some diets can be a risk to their health. Not to mention you need to consider what will be realistic long term. Simple changes will work more than denying yourself foods that are good for you. (Good carbs are not the bad guy!)
My brave moment of the week came when I ate some of my husbands Moose meat chili. It was the first time I have ever eaten chili. Yeah I know. It wasn't super spicy which is why I was brave. I'm not good with spicy. It was excellent and only 195 calories per cup. This also brings up you need to look at serving sizes when you read the labels. The calories listed go by servings and most labels will tell you have many servings are in a bag/box.
I got on the scale yesterday and was down 2 more lbs. I'm starting to wonder when I will level off. I know I weighed 112lbs before I got pregnant. My lowest was 97lbs back when I was in the military. However I KNOW I wasn't healthy then. I had an ulcer that made me feel nauseous all the time. Because I barely ate my stomach shrunk so when I did eat I couldn't eat very much. It also made me very weak and I would have to lie on my bathroom floor after a shower so I didn't pass out. Yeah fun times. I do still have the mummy tummy that I really want to get rid of tho it is smaller now. I'm starting to wonder if that will ever really go away. Time will tell I guess.
I also have to say, so that people will know I DO eat junk food on occasion that I had the most AMAZING piece of wedding cake this weekend. It was a strawberry shortcake vanilla deal that even had real strawberry pieces. I consider homemade cake ok because I can name all of the ingredients that it is made with. Of course I wouldn't eat it every day but it isn't a food that is off limits to me. Processed foods like twinkies? Yeah those are a no-go from now on. Homemade wedding cake? Sign me up.
Eat well!!
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